Want to get involved?
Here is what you need to do:
1. Start by getting right with God. Repent of areas of compromise in your life. Pray in the spirit of Daniel 9 and Nehemiah 1.
2. If you are a pastor or a leader, pray about and share the vision of repentance, humility, and corporate unity with other leaders. Get together in prayer and intercession. Share this vision with your congregation and mobilize your people in that direction. Seek the Lord's direction in:
(a) reaching out and connecting with other churches in your area with the vision that we need a Daniel 9 repentance and,(b) that we need each other in the body of Christ - we are not complete without one another.Encourage your congregation to set aside theological differences and arguments that are not fruitful, and focus on our unity and Christ's John 17 prayer, "That they may be one".
3. If you are a lay person who is not a pastor or a leader, pray for your pastors and leaders that the Lord would move on their hearts with this vision. After a long period of prayer and as the Lord directs you, share this vision with your pastor and your leaders.
4. The vision is to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer and intercession, seeking the face of the Lord in corporate repentance of our sin, pride and presumption, and of our individual independent attitude. We need to realize that Christ's vision is that we become one, like He and the Father are one (John 17). We need to realize that a house divided against itself shall not stand.
We are the House of God and we need to come in unity and humility, seeking the face of the Lord in prayer and intercession.